The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.
Uncertainty is all too often allowed to be a daunting advocate of complacency. Sometimes it lobbies hard for playing it safe and pursuing goals we find comfort that we can reach, other times bringing into focus the worst of our self-doubt and fear of failure. The uncertainty we face can rooted in something we’ve never experienced before, or even something we have with less than stellar results that we don’t ever want to chance revisiting. The positive reality is that uncertainty is also an opportunity for incredible positive change!
The last quarter of 2018 brought into my life some incredible new experiences and opportunities. Last year was a time I focused on perseverance and growth through many challenges of self-doubt and uncertainty. I ended the year enjoying the start of a beautiful new relationship with mutual respect, support, authenticity and joy that has continued to grow and become something I couldn’t have previously imagined. After a full summer of pushing my physical, mental and emotional limits to their thresholds to reach new levels of strength, gratitude and love it was incredible to reflect on each step that brought me through to so many successes and new experiences.
Finding joy again in sharing gifts and talents not just on the race course, but again in the kitchen, in the company of friends and in the pursuit of continued personal growth. I have always lived a high octane, just outside the lines lifestyle with an unconventional approach and drive to forge through. Resting has in the past been uncomfortable and felt complacent as a result. Instead of burning out and continuing to push I focused on finding these blessings of the year the universe had brought to me.
This year in my head and heart was going to be one centered around the work and practice of gratitude. Acting out the gratefulness for the growth of last year and sharing that gift outwardly. It hasn’t not become that focus at all, it’s simply in a greater context than I could’ve imagined. Transition is one of the most frequent challenges of change we face, whether it’s professionally or personally. The ability to shift our focus and mindset from something familiar and perhaps comfortable to something almost completely different is always a learning experience for a number of reasons. We have never had the strength, experience nor perspective that we hold in these moments. It is a new and unique change to create and shift our path, to adapt into growth and embrace the change.
The beginning of the year can always bring us a feeling of being stuck, with the cold weather and limited light our bodies and minds can become bored, complacent or even depressed. I like to embrace these months to refocus on what challenges seem to be rooted deeper than the weather, but perhaps haven’t received any thought or focus in a while. What are my true desires to grow personally and professionally this year? Why do I feel like I’m hitting a plateau? What actionable steps can I take to begin a new healthy routine?
These may seem like overly simplified questions, but when was the last time you sat down and reflected with unabashed honesty on what your answers are? It can be a mental meditation to assess, plan and start to progress or you can write it down to seal it in and keep yourself accountable.
I’ve spent a lot of time on the treadmill this January (more than I’d like to ever have previously imagined). This may sound like a living hell, and I used to openly agree with that sentiment. But one thing I’ve learned in these hours is that it’s not about finding the best distraction for that time running in place, it’s about embracing that opportunity and time for thought. We all have the same 24 hours. Sure we don’t all have the same commitments in our lives, but if we’re honest with ourselves those aren’t what are standing in our way of making time for self-care. Whether it’s running, eating well, exercise, planning the path of change we want to see in ourselves, we are busying ourselves with things that shouldn’t often take such high priority as we give them. Why do we give them (often subconsciously) this power over our time and thoughts?
One of the greatest gifts running has given me the last 5 years is the ability to throw all that shit out the window! Even if it’s only for 30 minutes, the opportunity to clear your head and heart space of distractions and recenter is priceless. This is a gift that allows us to think through the simple questions we may minimize, but we don’t have answers for. The ultimate goal isn’t to come up with a set of certain answers, but I often challenge myself to recognize the thoughts and let those go that do not serve my true self. It can absolutely be a goal to think through challenges, triumphs and even change – not to ease the uncertainty with planning, but to re-frame it as an opportunity for growth and success. We can by re-framing our perspective become more adaptable and embrace the uncertainty, knowing that we will be able to with gratitude for the experience come through the other side stronger, wiser and more fulfilled than if we had shied away initially because of not knowing.
What uncertainties are you facing this year? More importantly what opportunities for growth may they bring?
Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.
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