Early morning rising

Sometimes we find ourselves awoken earlier than we intend, with no clear reason or vision ahead.
Wipe the sleep from our eyes as we debate trying to return to our dreams in the warm
cocoon of our mind’s comfort. Contemplating, why our body is ready to rise?

Whether we are experiencing anxiety in our lives, a feeling of just floating through,
or absolute joy these moments of silence in the morning are ours to enjoy and embrace.
In this transition of consciousness we are able to ease between the surreality of sleep
and the reality of our days ahead. May we find this strange peaceful spot welcoming,
drawing us into the next moment mindfully.

Our minds are a fascinating specimen or powerful thought, deep empathy, and a vast network
of unique paths to generate some of our wildest intentions and fears. To learn to not just
control the way we think, our frame of mind in a new focus is a beautifully complicated process.
It can be a tragic comedy of errors at times, or the simple pleasures of epiphanies.

Regardless of your current thoughts, mood and spirit – remember none of this owns you or defines you.
It will ebb and flow with the timing of the universe, through the people and places you experience. Take
each season and it’s timing into your soul, align it with your compass and heart. To feel and find the
balance between heart, head, soul, and mind is true bliss often in a fleeting moment. But rest assured,
because it goes doesn’t mean it will not return again perhaps next time even stronger with more joy, perspective
and peace.

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